Sunday, September 15, 2013

Campus Fest Reflection

My first Campus Fest was terrific! There are so many cool groups out there! Unfortunately, there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I would like to, but hopefully I have a great time in the stuff I am involved in.

1. What are 3 things you learned at Campus Fest?
-First off, I learned that there seriously is something for everyone. If you say differently, then you didn't look hard enough. Another thing I learned was that the leaders of these groups really do want you to join. I know that sounds weird, but what I mean is, the groups aren't just a small group of friends that made the club to get funds for their interests or to have something that looks good on a resume. They made it because it interests them and want other people with the same interests to come and join them. A third thing I learned is... there are a lot of groups that seem the same to me. I'm sorry, but if I don't want to join the first Freedom Fighters group, I don't want to join the next four... They probably have some differences. It probably makes them rival groups.

2. How long were you able to be at Campus Fest? Did you enjoy it? What was the most interesting/surprising organization that you saw there? Did you see any there that you may want to join?
-I was at Campus Fest for about an hour after one of my morning classes. I started off over by Eppler and weaved my way through so I ended up by Founders. It was a lot of fun seeing everything that campus has to offer outside of classes. And the LARPers are always fun to watch. The most interesting organization I saw was probably the WBGU TV station. I thought looked super cool, and it looked like everyone that was there had a great time doing it! So that was one group that I considered maybe becoming a part of. Another one that looked good to me was the Chemistry Club (because chemistry is my minor), and I definitely want to be a part of Spanish Club (since it's my major).

This was Campus Fest when I left for my first class at 9:02 am.

This was in between my first and second class at 10:54 am. It technically hadn't even started yet!

It was really packed right up until the end! This was 2:56 pm.


  1. Nick, I absolutely love how you got pictures from each stage of the Campus Fest process very creative and an amazing way to show how events can transform on campus! & I definitely see where you are coming from with the similarities in groups.. Its tough to differentiate one from the next.

  2. I absolutely love your pictures! I walked past at all those times too and it was interesting to see the different stages of the fest!
